Test Equipment: Team
Jarrett A Nelson, Geosynthetic Special Projects Manager
jnelson@TRI-ENV.com | +1 512 263 2101 Ext 188
Jarrett Nelson serves as a Technical Director for TRI Environmental. Mr. Nelson manages many testing programs including: Conventional Creep/Stress Rupture, Stepped Isothermal (SIM), Installation Damage, Asphalt and Base Reinforcement and Chemical Durability. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from the University of Texas at Austin and more than 20 years of experience with geosynthetics materials, their unique qualities, and the laboratory and quality procedures necessary to assure their appropriate testing and evaluation. He is a member of ASTM and is involved in the development and implementation of new test procedures.
Technical Sales

Richard S. Lacey, P.E., Senior Engineer
rlacey@TRI-ENV.com | +1 512 263 2101 Ext 133
Rich Lacey is a Senior Engineer for TRI Environmental providing the technical leadership for the equipment calibration program as well as equipment fabrication and sales. Mr. Lacey has over 28 years of geosynthetic testing related experience including heavy involvement in ASTM Committee D35 on Geosynthetics. He is currently the task group leader for the Transmissivity, Radial Transmissivity, Pore Size Distribution, CBR Puncture, Geocomposite Peel and Textured Geomembrane Asperity Height task groups. His theory of the Characteristic Flow Equation describing the head loss versus flow rate response of any laboratory permeability-type test has already been incorporated in ASTM D 4491 Permittivity and will soon revolutionize transmissivity testing as we now know it.
Eli Cuelho, P.E., Senior Engineer & Director of TRI’s Transportation Testing and Research Services
ecuelho@TRI-ENV.com | +1 406 600 3947
Eli Cuelho, P.E. is a Senior Engineer at TRI and currently serves as the Director of TRI’s Transportation Testing and Research Division. He holds a Master’s degree from Montana State University in geotechnical engineering (1998). Eli has over twenty years in geosynthetic application research as well as other transportation research areas such as, pavement design and analysis, remote sensing and instrumentation, bridge deck performance, and specification development. In his relatively short time with TRI he has already shown industry leadership and innovation in his testing and research efforts. He is well-published and active on numerous federal, state and industry research projects. Eli is active at ASTM through the D35 Committee where he is helping develop standards for a variety of geosynthetic applications, and he is working closely with TRI-Southeast’s large-scale testing laboratories to assist clients with full-scale geosynthetic system performance testing.