Dr. Jeffrey Kuhn, PE

Q&A with Executive Director Jeff Kuhn

Jeff KuhnQ&A with Dr. Jeffrey Kuhn, PE, the Executive Director of TRI Environmental. In addition to his role with TRI, Dr. Kuhn also teaches TRI’s QA/QC course on compacted clay liners and GCLs. Learn more about the next CQA online courses.

Q: Can you introduce yourself and describe your role at TRI?

A: I serve as the Executive Director for TRI Environmental, and I’m based at the TRI Group’s headquarters in Austin, TX. I enjoy working with a diverse and driven team to deliver our clients relevant, high-quality testing data.

Q: What drives your passion for your work at TRI?

A: Research and prescriptive methods drive my passion for working at TRI. The intellectual curiosity inherent in research labs allows me to explore and uncover new insights. Prescribed testing methods, in parallel, aid me in developing my skills and interacting across specializations.
Throughout my work, problem-solving challenges arise, which demand adaptation and are often associated with increased knowledge and the opportunity to contribute to the more extensive engineering and science communities.

Q: Can you discuss one project at TRI that you found particularly challenging or rewarding?

A: Testing materials in support of Coal Ash Combustion byproducts has been particularly challenging. I find the intersection of interface friction and GCL compatibility of polymer-modified Geosynthetic Clay Liners fascinating. The impact of regulations on the design of these facilities, the size and speed of the projects, the associated construction quality assurance specifications plan, and their associated laboratory testing, as well as the wide variety and direction of these programs, never fails to amaze or intrigue me.

Q: How does TRI foster innovation, and how have you contributed to it?

A: TRI houses a diversely educated group of engineers, scientists, and technicians. We foster a community of learning. Our late founder, Dr. J. Scott Thorton, referred to our workplace as “The University of TRI.” In collaborative meetings, we lean on our employees’ various educations, abilities, and diverse thoughts to establish best practices and deliver continuous improvement to our services.

Q: What future trends or projects at TRI are you most excited about?

A: TRI continues to invest in polymer science and the physical, mechanical, and chemical testing of polymers. By better serving the forensic needs of our client base, we are simultaneously gaining knowledge and aiding in the evolution of material testing.

Q. What’s one thing people might be surprised to learn about you?

A: Interesting fact: I played for the Baltimore Ravens for one year…. as a high schooler… in the Baltimore Colts Marching Band… as part of their drumline. So yes, “I played for the Baltimore Ravens.”
When not enjoying my time engaged in work, you’ll find me mountain biking, playing music, and most often with my wife and three girls energetically immersed in life.